Agnieszka Polska @ Casino Luxembourg, May 25 - September 9

My Last Will, Exhibition View, Casino Luxembourg – Forum d'art contemporain, 2024. Photo : Jessica Theis
My Last Will
May 25 - September 9, 2024 | Casino Luxembourg
Opening: Friday 24.05.2024, 18:00 – 21:00
In the exhibition and the eponymous artist’s book, My Last Will, 32 contemporary, international artists and artist groups respond to the question “What remains?”. They individually explore their legacy and try, each in their own way, to capture the core of what makes up their goals and interests with a central statement or a paradigmatic work. In doing so, they question their presumed significance for a future they will no longer experience and whose measures of value are still completely unknown to them.
“What remains?” is a question that gains a special topicality against the backdrop of the pandemic and a war in Europe, and the associated change in perspective and values.
The artists’ examination is designed as a free, open-ended experiment. The starting point for the engagement with the question is the artist book My Last Will, in which specially developed text, collage, and image contributions from the participants are collected. Five commissioned works were also created in the context of the exhibition.
Artists: Loukia Alavanou, Lara Almarcegui, Carlos Amorales, Iván Argote, John Bock, Mohamed Bourouissa, Olaf Breuning, Chicks on Speed, Clément Cogitore, Keren Cytter, Marcel Dzama, Hanakam & Schuller, Su Hui-Yu, Mire Lee, Erik van Lieshout, Renzo Martens, MASBEDO, Christodoulos Panayiotou, Cesare Pietroiusti, Agnieszka Polska, PPKK (Schönfeld & Scoufaras), L.A. Raeven, Ricarda Roggan, Santiago Sierra, Shelly Silver, Su-Mei Tse, Raphaela Vogel, Simon Wachsmuth, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Tobias Zielony, Thomas Zipp, Portia Zvavahera
Curators: M + M